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Release notes - Beta 1.8

Socialroots Team

Behind the scenes, our small team is working hard to continuously improve Socialroots. With this release, we’re excited to introduce some long-standing feature requests and bug fixes. So without further ado, here they are:

New Features:


This super-requested and exciting feature allows you to mention someone in a note and send the note “quietly” (without emails) to everyone else, while emailing the person who is mentioned. The mentioned person will see they are mentioned in their email, as well as in the application on the notes pages. This allows you to have conversations “out loud” and keep context in your group, while not adding unnecessary inbox noise for everyone else.

Search for people in Directory 

In the Directory, on the “People” tab, you can now search for specific people in the directory. 

Person Profile

In the Directory, on the “People” tab, you can now click on individual people and see their profile page, which includes their group affiliations and whichever contact information they choose to share. 

Invite by email now supports bulk copy/paste

When inviting users to a group, you can now click into the first field and paste multiple email addresses from your clipboard. The system identifies email addresses and separates each one into a new field, where you can assign group roles before sending the invite. 

Bug fixes and improvements:

External recipients can be bulk copied into notes

The text field for adding external email recipients to notes now supports copy/paste to easily add multiple email addresses. 

Inbox and Notes Performance

  • loading Notes from your Workspace Inbox is now much faster
  • Notes are now accurately sorted by latest activity
  • replies sent from email will show up in chronological order on the note.

New Invite button on Dashboard

We had many requests to make it easier to find where to invite people to a group or subgroup, so now you can click the big purple button right from the dashboard. 

Improved subgroup invitation

As well as implementing a more straightforward design, it is now much easier to add/invite members to join with different roles during batch invitation.

Thumbnails for notes styling

The Notes page now shows each note thumbnail with a fade, to allow you to preview more of the Note content. 

New Flags not clearing bug

The new flags on Notes and replies are now clearing appropriately. 

Refined email notifications

This release includes a number of improvements regarding which activity is sent in email summaries, including removing your own activity and de-duplicating activity caused by cross-group notes. Setting your note to send daily or immediate emails about replies now behaves as expected, and the title of the note is now included in the email’s subject line to help you identify where the action is.